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Bottom of the Heart
Nov 13, 2022
Smile, by Miles Macklem
An artwork about feeling unseen and empty while struggling with addiction.

Bottom of the Heart
May 27, 2021
Submersion, by Abby Brock
Submersion confronts the discomfort that arises while bathing or showering with body dysmorphia...

Bottom of the Heart
Oct 27, 2020
Wrapped Up, by Mary French
In the midst of winter, a scarf ties people together...

Bottom of the Heart
Oct 12, 2020
I can't see clearly, by Indira de Cartier
"I can’t see clearly" is an artwork about my struggles with mental health...

Bottom of the Heart
Sep 7, 2020
New World Loading, by J
I've been thinking about how our lives are constantly changing...

Bottom of the Heart
May 8, 2020
My Personal Hero, by Grace Nassif
I drew a woman, a mentor, a teacher who I admire dearly. To others, Murphy is known as a dance teacher, but I know her as a hero...

Bottom of the Heart
Apr 24, 2020
The Grinch that Stole 2020, by Anna Thomas
I was inspired by an artist named Jean Michel Basquiat, who drew from his experiences and the materials in his environment to create...

Bottom of the Heart
Apr 17, 2020
Distorted Information, by Fabienne de Cartier
Viral misinformation can put lives at risk. We need to take care of each other, and do our part to create safe spaces in the digital world.

Bottom of the Heart
Apr 8, 2020
Human & Nature Connection, by Adriana Moraru
Follow Adriana on Instagram @adri_foxy_art During these difficult times, we have to remember what's most important. For me, that means...
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